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Re: Alamosa Branch sale

January 26, 2003 12:33PM
When I las t saw the Alamosa Local headed east (in Aug, 02), they were creaking along east of Ft. Garland at 10 mph. Appearently there is a 10 mph slow order from Garland all the way to the top of the hill at Fir. From what I hear from my Alamosa Uncles is that there are defective rails (caught by the Sperry car) and the UP won't replace them - probably the results of 130 ton cars and 90 lb rail. Hence the 10 mph slow order. It used to take 2 1/2 hours to make it over the hill to La Veta, now it takes 6 hrs. I'd think once it gets to the point where the crews hog out before they hit Pueblo, the UP will want out.
Whoever gets the RR will need to have LOTS of power - good dependable power. A typical train over La Veta is 25-30 cars and 5 GP40's. La Veta is limited to 3500 tons because of curvature - which also keeps 6 axle power away. Your basic shortline operation of 2 or 3 old ratted out GP7's isn't going to cut it.
Subject Author Posted

Whatever happened to...?

Fred Beverage January 22, 2003 04:40PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

El Coke January 22, 2003 10:15PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

Woody January 23, 2003 04:50PM

To Whom ?

Rich Muth January 23, 2003 06:05PM

Alamosa Branch sale

El Coke January 23, 2003 07:54PM

Boy! Ask one little question...... *NM*

Fred Beverage January 23, 2003 09:06PM

Re: Alamosa Branch sale

John West January 25, 2003 03:22PM

Re: Alamosa Branch sale

Earl January 26, 2003 12:33PM

Re: Alamosa Branch sale

jim January 28, 2003 04:15PM

Re: Alamosa Branch sale

Jim Raffa January 29, 2003 06:50PM

Re: To Whom ?

Woody January 24, 2003 01:22PM

Re: Whatever happened to...Andy Payne?

Mike Trent January 24, 2003 08:01AM

Re: Whatever happened to...Andy Payne?

J. B. Bowers January 24, 2003 03:57PM

Re: Whatever happened to...Andy Payne?

Brian Norden January 27, 2003 10:36PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

Jerry Day January 24, 2003 01:08PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

Woody January 24, 2003 01:42PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

Jerry Day January 24, 2003 01:50PM

Re: Whatever happened to...?

Scott Hightower January 25, 2003 11:05AM

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