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A couple of questions....

January 28, 2003 09:14AM
This is going to sound stupid but here goes;
If the commission were to oversee the shop crews and maintainance employees...
A. They will pay the salaries of these employees, correct?
B. They will fund the maintainance and upkeep of the line, right?
Maybe that just sounds too logical to me...I don't know.
Now if the corporation were to oversee the crews then the corporation should oversee all maintainance, right?
I don't understand this thing about rent. If the corporation pays rent, where is that money supposed to go to? It seems to me that that the commission could offer an in-kind rent exchange where the corporation could foot the bill for maintainance and upkeep out of the monies that would normally go to rent.....of course the corporation would pay evryone's salary and the commission would do what they are supposed to, oversee and advise.
I understand now why the operators haven't been able to make any headway, they have to pay all the extra money to the commission and who knows what they are doing with it?
Just a couple of off the cuff thoughts....
Subject Author Posted

ABQ Journal North -Railroad Talks Stall

Jay Wimer January 28, 2003 06:34AM

A couple of questions....

Fred Beverage January 28, 2003 09:14AM

Re: A couple of questions....

Jay Wimer January 28, 2003 09:17PM

more questions

Bill Kepner January 28, 2003 10:21AM

Re: more questions

Jay Wimer January 28, 2003 04:50PM

Re: more questions

Fred Beverage January 30, 2003 08:56AM

Re: more questions

Jay Wimer January 30, 2003 09:16AM

Re: more questions

Fred Beverage January 30, 2003 10:25AM

Re: more questions

Jay Wimer January 30, 2003 10:53AM

Re: more questions

Fred Beverage January 30, 2003 06:43PM

Re: Yes, there will be a train

Jay Wimer January 30, 2003 08:39PM

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