Hey there Guys ColoradoThunder here thought I'd share the weekends adventure in Cajamar, Brazil in the Cement Quarry.

Last weekend the guys from IFPPC PerusPiraPora 2ft gauge railroad recovery team started digging out the the rails in the old yard and after cutting off bolts and pulling spikes a big front end load drags them to the pile.

This weekend I joined them and as the dedicated loco guy, started right in on the No17_Baldwin2-4-0_No37399 with my newly bought tools.

For GPS Coordinates and Links look here:
Thor Windbergs
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Facebook: Thor Windbergs
Volunteer G&L RR 86-88
Fireman/Engine Watchman D&S 90-94
Member Frankfurter Feldbahn Musuem, feldbahn-ffm.de
Member IFPPC (Society for Preservation of Perus Pirapora Railroad) Brazil www.internationalsteam.co.uk/trains/brazil54.htm
Member German Standard gauge Group www.eisenbahnfreunde-zollernbahn.de