November 14, 2006 09:17PM
John, I was just doing the math myself and thinking that in fact, they may have averaged even faster than 20, if in that 3.3 hrs they stopped to take on water. How many water stops would a westbound pass. train make between Antonito and Chama or the other way around? Would they have made any other scheduled depot stops such as at Cumbres? I road both directions a few years ago and 20 would be really rockin and rollin, but I'd love to make the trip again on improved track at speed.
I bet another big benefit to improvments to track geometry would be reduced wear and tear on equipment, especially the running gear on the engines.
Subject Author Posted

Trackwork on the C&TS

Kevin November 14, 2006 09:00AM

(Message Deleted by Poster)

Dick Seelye November 14, 2006 06:51PM

Re: FRA Par 213.9

J.B.Bane November 14, 2006 08:12PM

1941 Timetable

John Frank November 14, 2006 08:48PM

Re: 1941 Timetable

J.B.Bane November 14, 2006 09:17PM

Re: 1941 Timetable

earl November 15, 2006 10:58AM

Re: 1941 Timetable

J.B.Bane November 15, 2006 01:33PM

(Message Deleted by Poster)

Dick Seelye November 14, 2006 09:48PM

Re: FRA jurisdiction - You don't ask..

Dan Robirds November 15, 2006 02:23PM

Re: FRA - Consider this

Dan Robirds November 15, 2006 02:36PM

Re: FRA Par 213.9

G. W. Laepple November 15, 2006 04:57AM

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