December 11, 2012 04:30PM
hi all,

This is my first post after occasionally browsing off and on for a few years. some of you know me from live steam or railroad photography circles and for the rest I'll give a brief intro.

My name is Mike Massee and my father and I model narrow gauge in live steam at approximately 3" scale, or 1/4 full size.

We've done a shortened version of a 3000 series D&RG boxcar (1924 rebuild version) with a very high level of detail (I'll post some pictures later, have to take some fresh ones since I've put the lettering on) and are now moving on to a bobber caboose.

To that end we are seeking drawings for the C&S 1006 caboose or similar. There is a drawing from the Maxwell collection we'd really like to have / borrow for the project. The Maxwell collection is in a state of very deep limbo at the moment, so getting it directly from the source does not seem to be an option for the forseeable future.

If anyone has this drawing and would be willing to loan or sell yours to us it would be greatly appreciated. I know it exists because you can see a small preview image here on Grandt Line's page: [] They used it as reference for their model.

I already have the following:

- The three view with overall dimensions from Mallory Hope Ferrell's book about the C&S

- Various "Up Clear Creek on the Narrow Gauge" articles about the C&S bobbers which contain background information and rough sketches.

We like to have the more detailed drawings as at our scale it makes sense to build it per prototype with all the framing as per original. With detailed drawings it is easier than making things up.

For the boxcar we used Jeff Smith/branch Line Products very nice drawings and doubled the dimensions from 1 1/2" scale.

I am also trying to get ahold of the folks restoring the 1008 as they have brought back some journal boxes and pedastals from Colorado that would be ideal to measure for patterns. I PM'd 'wrenloco' a week ago and have not yet received a reply, but will try his brother next as he seems to be more active on the board. smiling smiley

Thank you all in advance for any help.



P.S. I found an odd bug in the forum software - if you put two hyphens in a row anywhere in your message, you get a 406 error back when you try to submit or preview your post.

Mike Massee - railroad photography, live steam and more
Subject Author Posted

C&S caboose 1006 drawings and introduction

Harlock December 11, 2012 04:30PM

Re: C&S caboose 1006 drawings and introduction

Harlock December 11, 2012 07:21PM

Re: C&S caboose 1006 drawings and introduction

Jeff Taylor December 11, 2012 09:28PM

Re: Maxwell Drawings

Mike Trent December 12, 2012 11:55AM

Re: Maxwell Drawings

Harlock December 12, 2012 12:21PM

C&S 1008 restorers are here!

AZfarmer December 12, 2012 02:31PM

Re: C&S 1008 restorers are here!

jalbers December 12, 2012 02:50PM

Re: C&S 1008 restorers are here!

Harlock December 12, 2012 02:54PM

Re: C&S 1008 restorers are here!

Harlock December 12, 2012 02:53PM

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