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Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

January 26, 2005 02:43PM
Hi Mark,
The tar and feathers are keeping me warm this time of year. That was a very unexpected somewhat positive reply you made for Paul, and you have read much of my posting, hopefully including my September 1970 efforts on getting the C&TS open. You hit the nail in many points that a name shouldn’t determine if you listen to a person on rules and methods but study what is explained. There were naysayers who wanted Black Bart to stay around longer till the railroad was dead and buried, but I didn’t, and pushed the issue like I have done here. I will not explain more as he might try to surface back at Chama.
Maybe you might know Paul enough to explain that I do have 40+ years of knowing “how things are actually done” and that if any major railroad heard his “Rule books and ideas might seem great” while he was a employee, he would be in for some extended rule classes to explain why he needed to ‘”sometimes side step”. As for his “overkill”, a safer course is never overkill- the idea is not to kill. “….they should be paying attention anyway”- they do not pay attention these days, as we know about cell phone drivers. His “would be a waste of time of train crew and the motorists waiting” I reply: The train crew is paid the 8 hours and would only cut into some coffee time, and stop the public traffic as the law requires. Agreed, I haven’t won any congeniality contest while I was on the job, but I never got anyone killed either. My first territory had 125 trackmen under my safety eye, and I never shied from making waves for a safer course.
Subject Author Posted

Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operated?

PRSL January 26, 2005 08:11AM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Paul Gibbs January 26, 2005 10:21AM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Gavin Hamilton January 26, 2005 11:56AM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Mark Valerius January 26, 2005 12:28PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Gavin Hamilton January 26, 2005 01:37PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Herb Kelsey January 26, 2005 04:22PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Mark Valerius January 26, 2005 12:15PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

PRSL January 26, 2005 02:43PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Paul Gibbs January 26, 2005 09:04PM


Jack W. January 26, 2005 10:18PM

The list...

Dave Bates January 26, 2005 02:52PM

Re: Professional Advice 4: How is C&TS now operate

Martin Dickson January 26, 2005 03:56PM

Re: Profess Advice 4m: How is C&TS now operate

PRSL January 28, 2005 07:20PM

Re: Profess Advice 4m: How is C&TS now operate

PRSL January 31, 2005 10:34AM

You need an asbestos suit to post here... *NM*

Trevor Hartford January 29, 2005 10:00PM

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