December 06, 2002 08:48AM
>If you or your dad or anyone else with the rights
>to your dad's photos wants to modify them, go
>ahead. When someone else uses them, changed or
>not, and then sells them or uses them to their
>advantage somehow... what then? ...
Greg has secured and paid for the rights from the owner of the image to use the photos in question. He has secured permission to modify them through colorization and use them on a commercial product. He has carfully selected a photo of the same train that is portayed in the video. He has carefully used the color video and historical data as a source to accurately colorize the photos.
Whether you care for the modificaiton or not, Greg has done _nothing_ legally, morally or ethically wrong here. He is just trying to accurately represent a COLOR video with a COLOR photo on the cover, a very sensible thing to do. Truth in advertizing if you ask me, a rare thing to see.
Now, artistically you can argue that altering the original image degrades it in some way or alters the original artist's vision. As where the original artist has passed on it will remain forever subjective and we each should hold our opinion and leave it at that.
Personally I like Greg's idea, although I would not necessarily like it under different circumstances. I do think he should make note on the video sleeve that it is a colorized picture and may not be 100% accurate.
Subject Author Posted

Word from the Denver Public Library

Greg Scholl December 03, 2002 02:01PM


DvV December 03, 2002 05:45PM

Re: Colorizing

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 07:12AM

Re: Colorizing

eric bracher December 04, 2002 10:38AM

Re: Colorizing *PIC*

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 11:43AM

Re: Colorizing

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 11:45AM

Re: Colorizing

Andy J December 04, 2002 12:27PM

The Fine Print

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 01:34PM

Re: sorry greg

Andy J December 04, 2002 02:24PM

No problem

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 02:52PM

Re: Colorizing

Rodger Polley December 11, 2002 09:14PM

Re: Word from the Denver Public Library

Lukas Rosenthaler December 04, 2002 04:39PM

Re: Word from the Denver Public Library

Gary Nichols December 04, 2002 05:57PM

Here we go again!

Greg Scholl December 04, 2002 06:08PM

Re: Here we go again!

Gary Nichols December 04, 2002 07:19PM

Re: Here we go again!

Greg Scholl December 05, 2002 07:51AM

Re: Here we go again!

Fred T December 05, 2002 09:28PM

Re: Here we go again!

Akbar Smink December 06, 2002 08:08AM


Mad Eyed Mooney December 06, 2002 06:30PM

What about paintings!!

Greg Scholl December 05, 2002 09:25AM

Re: Here we go again!

Rodger Polley December 06, 2002 08:48AM

Historical Intent of the Image Maker?

Mike Trent December 05, 2002 07:37PM

Re: Historical Intent of the Image Maker?

Gary Nichols December 05, 2002 09:22PM

Re: Historical Intent of the Image Maker? *PIC*

Chris Coleman December 06, 2002 08:48AM

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