December 11, 2012 10:41PM
Following up on a question I had posed to Jimmy Blouch regarding the Silverton # 461/ 462 schedule in 1939 I have not been able to ascertain why the train was just running Tuesday and Saturday when the schedule (Timetable # 121 dated 6/11/1939) was showing a Tuesday/ Thursday/ Saturday departure.

It is instructive to see the decline in the Silverton service in that as of 6/22/1930 (TT # 117) shows trains # 461/ 462 were still a “mixed train daily". The attached Colorado PUC decision # 3202 shows the Sunday service was to be cut “temporarily” on February 22, 1931. I don’t have access to TT# 118 but I assume this reflected the dropping of the Sunday service “permanently” but perhaps someone can confirm this detail. TT # 119 (effective 11/6/1932) shows the schedule reduced to the aforementioned Tuesday/ Thursday / Saturday.

TT# 120 & 121 (in effect during Jimmy’s current 1939 postings both show a Tuesday/ Thursday/ Saturday schedule and it is not until TT # 122 on 9/5/1942 that the schedule reflects the defacto Tuesday/ Saturday only service. This schedule continues until 6/1/1949 when the Thursday train is reinstated in TT# 125.

TT # 126 (2/1/1951) reduces the Silverton to just a single trip per week on Wednesdays. If someone has access to TT# #127 and beyond it would be interesting to know how the Silverton schedule evolved during the 1950/ 60’s and when the “mixed” designation was dropped?

Thanks to Pam Fischhaber of the Colorado PUC for locating this document which appears to be the only extant record in the PUC files for decisions on the Silverton # 461/462 from the 1930/ 40’s period.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2012 11:55PM by rod.
Subject Author Posted

Mixed train daily - Silverton, uncovering the history Attachments

rod December 11, 2012 10:41PM

Re: Mixed train daily - Silverton, uncovering the history

hank December 12, 2012 01:31PM

Re: Mixed train daily - Silverton, uncovering the history

rehunn December 12, 2012 03:21PM

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