October 31, 2001 07:58AM
To complete your questions, these headlights were used near the end of operations because they were available, primarily from scrapped "Broad" Gauge engines. That they gave the engines kind of a family look was incidental.
The smaller headlight and back up light on #70 were 15" diameter Sunbeams, like the ones used on D&RGW narrow gauge engines. These were scavenged from scrap, too.
#72 also had one of these smaller headlights after the Como Roundhouse fire. It had carried an older box-style headlight before then. That headlight, typical of C&S Narrow gauge, also had an 18" diameter lens. So do the CB&Q "Cukoo Clock" style, like those used on #60, 71, and CB&Q #537.
Hope this helps.
Subject Author Posted

Types/names of lights?

Brent Burger October 30, 2001 11:41PM

C&S Headlights

Mike Trent October 31, 2001 06:09AM

A Couple of other things...

Mike Trent October 31, 2001 07:58AM

Aftermarket modifications

El Coke October 31, 2001 09:08AM


Kelly Anderson October 31, 2001 06:28PM

Re:Loco Lite??

Mike Trent October 31, 2001 08:21PM

Re:Loco Lite??

El Coke November 01, 2001 08:55AM

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