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Re: Modifications NOT required - it's NATURAL eye rolling smiley

July 03, 2008 05:34PM avatar
Ed and Dan -

It was presumed that the Stanley-Steamer-powered waddling gosling would be the usual result of #315 and Goose #5 sharing adjacent stalls in the Antonito engine house ... Its hatching next year after a six to eight month gestation would be an entirely natural event not subject to bureaucratic oversight bungling. (As Keith noted in the original thread, the prospective parents are "a nice pair".) It was also assumed that the gosling would come into the world as a 2' gauge 4-passenger whippersnapper, and would not become 3' gauge until its early teens.

Note that the power plant will be an external combustion device burning a clean, lightweight oil - for which a carbon-neutral vegetable product could readily be substituted - and that a motor-generator and large battery under the passenger compartment could be surgically added to the drive train to facilitate steam-electric hybridization for improved fuel economy.

The private restroom facilities which were mentioned above could easily be provided by the numerous trees located between Chama and Big Horn and/or those to be planted north of Durango in the next several months. Passengers experiencing "emergencies" between The Whiplash and Antonito, or along the High Line north of Rockwood, will just have to "tough it out". DNA analysis shows that a baggage door (not shown in the drawing) will be located on the right side to provide access for the mobility challenged.

- Russ
Subject Author Posted

An answer to Russo Loco's question...

DRGW489 July 02, 2008 10:36PM

Re: An answer to Russo Loco's question... thumbs up

Russo Loco July 02, 2008 11:02PM

Re: An answer to Russo Loco's question...

Jason Rose July 03, 2008 07:17AM

Re: An answer to Russo Loco's question...

Todd Hohlenkamp July 03, 2008 08:36AM

Re: An answer to Russo Loco's question...

Roger Hogan July 03, 2008 08:39AM

Re: An answer to Russo Loco's question...

El Skonk July 03, 2008 10:24AM

Re: Modifications required

Dan Robirds July 03, 2008 10:38AM

Re: Modifications required

Ed Stabler July 03, 2008 11:31AM

Re: Modifications NOT required - it's NATURAL eye rolling smiley

Russo Loco July 03, 2008 05:34PM

Re: operation

Fred T July 03, 2008 09:06PM

Re: Modifications required

Steve Stockham July 03, 2008 06:08PM

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