February 12, 2006 08:35AM
Heck, if the K-27's (#454 for example) ran the line then I would use them! The proportions and size of the K-27, in my opinion, would be more photogenic than a larger engine or a SG engine.
Further, there are MANY pctures of K-27's! I'm sure that there are probably at least a few really nice angled shots that would be perfect!
Subject Author Posted

What locos ran between Montrose & Grand Junction

Bill Pratt February 11, 2006 10:33PM

Re: What locos ran between Montrose & Grand Juncti

rdmstr February 12, 2006 02:15AM

Re: What locos ran between Montrose & Grand Juncti

John Craft February 12, 2006 06:35AM

Re: What locos ran between Montrose & Grand Juncti

Steve Stockham February 12, 2006 08:35AM

Re: What locos ran between Montrose & Grand Juncti

A C Woodward February 12, 2006 06:15PM

Thanks for the input

Bill Pratt February 14, 2006 09:10PM

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