February 02, 2003 08:12PM
Was channel surfing last night and ran across a PBS program on Alaska. Had some very nice footage of the WP&Y in steam. Must go there some day.
THEN, channel surfing some more, I caught a scene from a John Wayne Moive obviously shot in the Owens Valley area as there is a train at a water stop....as it pulls away I catch the number 9 on the back of the whale back that can only belong to the former SP Narrow Guage 'Slim Princess'. What was the movie??????
Subject Author Posted

What John Wayne Movie was it?

Fred Beverage February 02, 2003 08:12PM

Re: What John Wayne Movie was it?

Grant Houston February 02, 2003 08:22PM

Re: What John Wayne Movie was it?

Fred Beverage February 02, 2003 09:52PM

Re: What WP&YR Movie was it?

Mike February 02, 2003 09:20PM

Re: What WP&YR Movie was it?

Fred Beverage February 02, 2003 09:49PM

Re: What WP&YR Movie was it?

John McDermott February 03, 2003 04:58PM

And what a beauty it is!!! *NM*

Fred Beverage February 03, 2003 07:18PM

Re: What WP&YR Movie was it?

Mike February 04, 2003 01:45AM

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