February 03, 2003 01:16PM
I spent three days in Leadville in July exploring the Blueriver and Ibex branches. The C&S buildings are still there. I did not shoot any pictures of the depot or the roundhouse as my interest was the D&RGW and not the C&S. I shot pics of the C&S depot and roundhouse years ago and they have not changed much. The tourist line has fixed up the C&S depot and the grounds, but other than that, not much has changed.
Subject Author Posted

Leadville freight house

Bob Yarger February 02, 2003 03:10PM

Re: Leadville freight house

Dale Brown February 02, 2003 05:14PM

Re: Leadville freight house

John Templeton February 03, 2003 07:45AM

Re: Leadville freight house

Jerry Day February 03, 2003 08:22AM

Was the Leadville freight house moved?

Bob Yarger February 03, 2003 11:40AM

Re: Was the Leadville freight house moved?

Jerry Day February 03, 2003 01:16PM

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