June 06, 2008 07:11PM
Ted, I copied this from their web page.

We had hoped to complete this project in it's entirety over the winter of 2007-2008. However, one does not undertake an invasive and expensive task such as this without a lease agreement that is satisfactory to both parties. We are very pleased that on March 15, 2008 we signed a lease agreement with the owner, Maine Narrow Gauge Museum, that places this locomotive in our hands for the next 15 years. The lease requires us to pay for the boiler work (estimated $25,000) to bring the locomotive to FRA ready status (Form 4), and to perform certain running gear and general maintenance (an additional $10,000).

The link to home page. [www.srrl-rr.org]

Tom C.

A student of the Southend RGS!
Subject Author Posted

Monson 3 to Phillips

Ted miles June 06, 2008 03:57PM

Re: Monson 3 to Phillips

tomc June 06, 2008 07:11PM

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