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Sticking to NG RR topics

March 09, 2011 06:03PM
After the long "Delete" thread about deviating from RR topics I've realized that a lot of us seasoned citizens still are back in the "Pen Pal" era and are using the forum to communicate with each other. The dubious side of this is everybody gets to read how well we can insult/inform/complain/and BS each other. Of course, if it gets too intense, we use private messaging. It really is a social network with a railroad theme. It's a great place to lose friends and influence enemies. Most posters probably wouldn't accept my phone calls and guys like Russo are too tight to buy stamps. There is a lot of information to be garnered from this forum. As long as you don't get caught up in your own wonderfullness. Retain the right to insert BS between RR topics and most important, keep your sense of humor. For most of us, this is a hobby/interest. It has enabled some of us to pay the bills. We have one old friend in Russia and the only way to get by the "Party" is by the net,
Nuff Said,
Subject Author Posted

Sticking to NG RR topics

HighCommander March 09, 2011 06:03PM

Re: Sticking to NG RR topics

Russo Loco March 09, 2011 08:19PM

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