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What is historic CATS and Friends

May 24, 2005 09:14PM
What is historic? I don't understand the controversy over the colors of the passenger cars. Since they were made from flat cars, should they be painted a drab boxcar red? That does not seem to make much sense to attract the ticket buying public. As I understand the positive feedback about the color of the "Parlor Cars" was a major factor in the choice. I would prefer them in Pullman Green but I think the passenger cars should be painted in the color that attracts riders and the public likes. The railroad has to sell tickets to make it. What ever does that. The D&RGW did that with the Grande Gold scheme.(more years than the Tuscan or Pullman Green). If red does that, so be it!
I also think all the servicable engines should be lettered for the CATS. As much as I would like them to be in RG lettering, I want all those pictures going back home to have CATS all over them. As long as the display engines remain
lettered in D&RGW. They can be relettered for charters.
The color of the revenue passenger trains should be what ever makes money. The cars on display should be as correct as we can make them.
I do wish they would have painted the caboose in correct boxcar red. It is not a historic caboose but some people put a ton of work into that boxcar to turn it into a very good copy of one. If I was paying for a charter I would be very upset to have the bright red caboose in the consist. The conversion though not being historically correct, followed a prototypical practice and filled a need of the railroad. There was talk of making some hybred caboose-rider gon out of the stock car caboose a couple of years ago. I put my 2 cents in against it (ok, maybe a couple of bucks). It sounds like that idea has been forgotten about.
I have had the priveledge to work with a large group of incredible people during work sessions in Chama. In the 11 years I have volunteered, my teams have been involved in the complete rebuilding of 7 stock cars, 3 drop bottom gons, 2 pipe gons, 3 flat cars, the two rider gons, an RPO, the wheel & tie car, the rail & tie car, and many more smaller projects. I would say if someone came at one of them with an incorrect color, they would have to go through me and my friends (Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson).
My heart goes out to the hardworking group that put quite a few years of work sessions into redoing the MW02 rail car. To do the amount of work and sweat that they put into that unique peice of equipment and to have someone paint the wheels and running boards turquoise is a mockery! Who ever ordered that done should be ashamed of themselves! Choices like that are a discredit to all the research, sweat and work that are put into these projects. Anything not historically correct done to a historic item is against what the purpose of the museum attitude. Mistakes are made but it is all with the best interest of history at heart.
The 15 years (11 contributing to work sessions) I have been a member of the friends has been one of the most rewarding things in my life. The amount of work accomplished by this incredible group never fails to amaze me. Some of the best people I have ever met and been able to call friends put in untold hours taking care of the railroad they love. Bill Locke should be proud of the organization he started all those years ago! After meeting our new president, I think the organization will continue to grow and be a valuable asset to the railroad.
I'll get off my soapbox.
Subject Author Posted

What is historic CATS and Friends

Tony Kassin May 24, 2005 09:14PM

Re: What is historic? CATS and Friends - AMEN!! *NM*

Russ Sperry May 24, 2005 09:47PM

Colores Historicos de uno Loco Especial *PIC*

Russ Sperry May 24, 2005 10:57PM

Re: Colores Historicos de uno Loco Especial

John Cole May 24, 2005 11:35PM

Re: Colores Historicos de uno Loco Especial

Russ Sperry May 24, 2005 11:54PM

Re: Colores Historicos de uno Loco Especial

John Cole May 25, 2005 12:10AM

Re: What is historic CATS and Friends

John Cole May 24, 2005 11:47PM

Re: What is historic CATS and Friends

Russ Sperry May 25, 2005 12:32AM

Re: What is historic CATS and Friends

rick b May 25, 2005 12:49AM

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